The 20 selected participants of mtv roadies season 6 are:

Samrat Kaushal: This 23 year old boy is from Punjab. He got selected in Ahmedabad. He has an Army background. He is a good singer. He has also participated in the music reality show- Fame X of Sab TV. Apart from singing he is inclined towards many physical activities like swimming, lawn tennis, athletics etc. He impressed the judges with his determined and passionate nature. He does not give up easily.

Devarshi Patel: He is 21 years old. He got selected from Ahmedabad. He is on Roadies because of his cool nature and great confidence. He has full confidence in himself. What ever you will say to him, nothing will shake his confidence. He is very much self obsessed. He is lost in his own world. On the auditions judges called him Darsheel of Taare Zamin Par.

Vicky Arora: He is 18 years old. He got selected from Ahmedabad. Last year also he auditioned for Roadies but can’t get in to it. This year he has improved a lot, even the judges observed the difference. He is determined and loves challenges.

Bhanu Pratap Singh: He is also18 year old boy. When he entered for auditions he was looking different but the judges changed his hair style; so when he came back he was looking very different. Judges found nothing special in him but their feeling was that he might be more interesting in the Roadies journey so they selected him in Ahmedabad.

Timung Longkiri: He is 25 years old. What is characteristic about him; it is his very long hairs. He in fact lifted up some loads with his hairs on the auditions. He has auditioned for roadies many times before and finally his never- say- die attitude brought him to the final list of roadies this year. He calls himself bit foolish and so wants to be on the show to give more variety to the characters of the Roadies. He got selected from Kolkata.

Varisha Hawelia: She is 19 plus (as said by her). She is a student of journalism. She got selected from Kolkata. While on auditions her answers were totally different from what she wrote on the form. She is extremely confident and isn’t scared of anything.

Paulami De: She is 28 years old. She is from Bengal. She is a model. She is good dancer too and while on auditions she performed on the song Kiss Me Baby from the movie- Garam masala. According to her, she is very straight forward and broad minded. She got selected in Kolkatta.

Gurmeet Kaur: She is 19 years old. She is basically from Chandigarh but presently she is living in Banglore. She is a model. During the auditions the judges found her too much talkative and with less brains. But she totally denies this. She is on this show to show her worth. She was selected in Banglore Auditions.

Nauman: He is 21 years old. He got selected in Banglore. He auditioned with his twin brother Salman. The audition phase was like Twin v/s Twin. Both brothers wanted to be together on the show but judges were clear that they will select only one out of the two. Nauman’s brother Salman was sure that he will be selected but judges selected Nauman as the Roadie.

SONIA CHOUHAN : She is 19 year old and got selected from chandigarh(punjabian di shaan. Basically she is from shilma. we can one thing about this girl that this girl has a strong opinion on everything from - lying to get a job to one night stands! Wonder how the other Roadies will take this? She is Not afraid to speak her mind but we think she Will not budge once her mind is made up!

NATASHA SINHA : She is 21 year old gal. She got selected from chandigarh and didnt let chandigarian down. this girl is hot, bold, extremely confident and definately got killer looks to watch out. She is all out to prove herself a good Roadie, this girl won't let anything get in her way. but her weakness is she acts before she thinks. She is basically from panchkula.

TAMANNA : One more 19 year girl got selected from Chandigarh.While audition raghu was wondering wheather she is faking her accent or its for real i guess we will found that out very soon.This juggernaut wants to squash anything & everything that comes in her way to success. she is a free bird, she will not get bogged down by negativity. but the gal is Self-obsessed which is her weak point.

ANKUR : A 20 yr old guy made it to roadies 6 was selected from chandigarh. He is basically from panchkula. This Roadie wants to win it all but will his trait of playing it safe in EVERYTHING hamper his chances? He is a deep thinker, thinks things through but not very sure to take chances

BOBBY CHOPRA : This 20 year girl is sure to rock the show and a must to watch out for.She got selected from New Delhi which is her hometown also. Looks like she is Born with a craze to become a Roadie, she is out to 'terrorize'
all the other Roadies. She got a cute smile which makes guys melt for her, lets see on the show if she can make someone go nuts for her. She is Completely grounded personality But as she said on the show her biggest Weaknesses: Unable to judge a person's character easily.

SANDEEP SINGH : This 19 year old guy impressed raghu and rajeev with his baby like looking face and a dazzling smile which he like to show everytime. He got selected from New Delhi, Though generally a well-mannered young fellow, Sandeep can really pack in quite a punch if the need arises! Check out his pics. He Is not afraid to take the road less traveled but one thing which you dont know is that he is Extremely short tempered & emotional. kido!!!!!

NEHA KAPOOR : She is 20 year old strong girl and got selected from delhi but basically from Mumbai. She is airhostess by her profession. This girl does not care what the world thinks but is hell bent on following her own way & making her own rules. she got a positive attitude no matter how tough the situation but baby dont underestimate your opponents. Rock on!!!!

PRADEEP SINGH : First sikh contestant in roadies history. He is 20 year old. He wants to represent his proud community by showing his talent. He got selected from delhi and basically from panchkula. He is a seasoned gambler, his strategy is to perform well in the tasks so no one can vote him out. He is Passionate & aggressive by nature but trusts people very easily. Best of luck boy!!!!

ROOP BHINDER : This 22 year old girl is the finalist in Roadies Battleground, she has already done her share of crazy tasks like putting cow dung on her face & getting people to kiss her to prove herself a Roadie. But will that be enough? Having participated in Roadies Battleground, she understands the pressure. Which makes her a little over confident. And that could bring her down.

PUNEET MALHOTRA (SUFI) : This guy is 24 year old and got selected from mumbai. He is a model by profession and a good actor. He is passionate go-getter, this guy is all out to grab his share of the limelight. His biggest Strengths : Never-say-die attitude and Weaknesses: Over-confidence

SUZANNA MUKHARJEE : She is 21 year old girl basically from pune but got selected from mumbai. She impressed raghu with her soft spoken voice, cute smile and above all her fantastic electrifying dance. She is one among the most beautiful girls on roadies. Comfortable in her own skin, this girl always speaks her mind… even if that can get her into trouble.Her biggest Strengths: Does not underestimate anyone and Weaknesses: Her indecisiveness.
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